Since 2022 Dirk Wachowiak holds a professorship in Typography and Corporate Design at Trier University of Applied Sciences. The works show a selection of his students’ outcome.
Autoimmune Typography —
Typographic enactment of lyrics concerning the issue of autoimmunity
The project is based on the work of the author Barb Macek, who deals with chronic and autoimmune diseases within her artistic research activities. Based on interviews with persons concerned as well as own experiences with an autoimmune disease Barb Macek formulates poetic interpretations, which create new access to this topic and to the medical or social perspective. The students were asked to create a typographical translation of these lyrics and therefore new layers of meaning.
Sandra-María Rusert, Adriana Nicole Cevallos Acosta
Jasmin Janetzke, Tabea Umbach
Tabea Umbach, Emilia Hilgert
Kathrin Schneider, Leo Lindner
Lotte Seidel, Xuan My Vuong
Leonie Heider, Lisa Kohn
Lea Napp-Zinn, Luisa O’Rourke
Kathrin Schneider, Bjarne Reinmann
Ronja von Kowalkowski, Kathrin Schneider
»Clean Up« initiative by Zoé van Luijk
Second hand event »OffBeat« by Lisa Kohn
Second hand event »OffBeat« by Lisa Kohn
Music event and record shop »rigol« by Bjarne Reinmann
Comedy Club »Oh Maju« by Hannah Zier
Youth Club »Nox Zentrum« by Ronja von Kowalkowski
Youth Club »Nox Zentrum« by Ronja von Kowalkowski
Typeface »Boema Sans« by Nick Decker
Typeface »Small Dinosaur« by Heeyun Choi
Typeface »Nouveau Sans« by Linda Glauber
Typeface »Galatea« by Merle Kösch
Typeface »Mono Okta« by Nils Krämer
Typeface »Nova« by Noemie Brück
Kathrin Schneider
Kathrin Schneider
Lisa Kohn
Lea Napp-Zinn
Lea Napp-Zinn
Lea Napp-Zinn